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Dressing for Summer - Two Popular designs this summer!

Dressing for Summer - Two Popular designs this summer!

Its that time of the year when the beach and pool are top priority and keeping out of the sun (or alternatively getting a tan) are top priority. So what are the styles this summer that are great to wear, who do they suit (body shape and size) and how to wear them in a range of settings?

Lots to answer, well the two styles we have heavily backed this year are the sleeveless maxi and the shirred dress. Now both of these suit different body shapes. The sleeveless maxi suits (in general) a longer taller figure and is designed to fall loosely, now this doesn't suit everyone as some ladies who are more heavily busted will find that this can sit a bit wide with the wrong bra (ie sports bar squeezing the bust line or a bra with a wider apex strap which makes the bust sit wider out. However this can also suit shorter crew who are broad shouldered withouth a narrower toro. On the right person its super flattering cut, an the fact its not tight on the hips means it can make you look narrower in the waist. But above all else this style keeps you cool during summer, which is our key criteria (as we go through our 3rd heatwave lol). For the shorter crew who don't want the length the Sundress is a great option as well as it has a shorter length that finishes just above the knees.

Here are a couple styles we have instudio now!

sleeveless maxiLula Life clara Maxi

Plus here are a couple of the sundresses from Lula Life as well.

Lula Life Sundresstara Sundress

The other design which our shorter crew have loved this year is the shirred dress, its a shorter design and its uber flattering on anyone shorter in length (again this varies as a rule, however its generally close to spot on) the shirred dress this season can come in a wide variety of sleeves with a small bell cap sleeve finish or a short fitted sleeve more like 1/4 length with elastin at the end) Both sleeves can work on people, the smaller the person the more improtant the sleeve fit becomes in general. Its still a super style and we love this design here are 3 different styles we have this season. The first two have the loose arms and the last design has a loose but fitted arm.

Lula Life Nikki Shirred DressLula Life Tamara Shirred DressLula Life Carson Shirred Dress



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